Felix was recently invited to join the brilliant Malvina El-Sayegh on the Stay Human podcast. They spoke about the three avenues companies can pursue to benefit from enablement, how to maximise the value of an external consultant, the most common enablement challenges Felix comes across in his work with businesses around the world, and more.
These are some of the questions covered in this episode:
- What has been your career journey and how did you get into Sales Enablement?
- How did you prioritise initiatives in your quota-carrying Enablement role competing for the mindshare of a large sales team?
- How long do clients typically work with Sales Enablement consultants?
- How do you foster a productive relationship when working with clients?
- How can a consultant help formalise a strategic Sales Enablement approach?
- What are the three avenues for business leaders to consider when thinking about introducing a Sales Enablement function?
Here are some of the resources referenced in this episode:
- Connect with Felix Krueger on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hfkrueger/
- Learn more about FFWD's Sales Enablement consulting services: https://www.goffwd.com/
- Connect with Malvina El-Sayegh on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malvina-el-sayegh/
- Subscribe to the #StayHuman podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/stayhuman-sales-skills/id1497180732
Where to find The State of Sales Enablement:
- Website - http://thestateofsalesenablement.com/
- LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-state-of-sales-enablement-podcast/
- Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-state-of-sales-enablement/id1558307853
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/4ceCJYJLuCbTNbRTriOFpe?si=avn_E9EGSNu3gmHfoqJ_6g